
Archaeology is one of the World’s most dangerous science

And if you are not a devout believer in the ghost stories told of ancient tombs and cursed artifacts, you must recognize how dangerous archeology is in the long run.

For starters, you must recognize that these individuals actually risk their life on a daily basis.

People believe that archeology is all about searching and discovering ancient objects, but there is so much more to it.

Thousands of archeologists have lost their lives or careers as a result of accidents caused by traps found deep within each of these mausoleums and tombs.

We might all imagine these archeologists as Lara Croft from the Tomb Raider games, but the truth is that they aren’t all prepared to backflip away from a spike that comes crashing down, crushing everyone who dares to reach the tomb’s premises.

Furthermore, it is exceedingly difficult to transform archeology into more than a sport because, first and foremost, finding something valuable is extremely unusual, and much of what is discovered is not permitted to be discussed with the public.

When a new discovery is made, the government of the country in question has the final say on whether or not the individual will share their discovery with the rest of the world.

It’s a harsh career, but it’s so rewarding for others, which is why they deserve all of our respect.

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