
Giant UFO tried to stop a massive solar storm heading towards our planet

Strange things happen daily, but as weird as everything gets we never expected things to get as weird as this. A new discovery was made by NASA themselves, one that sounds a bit too fantastical, to say the least.

A huge UFO has been spotted in between Earth and the Sun, just strolling by, enjoying the view. Not only that, according to their official statements this UFO was not even paying attention to us in the slightest, it was just minding its business trying to avoid a huge solar storm that was heading our way.

Immediately after these pictures were made public SOHO made sure that none of it gets out, removing all of the pictures almost instantly and shutting down all 6 of the solar observatories across the globe.

In doing so they made sure that the world would never know the truth behind it all. It is a sad day indeed, but one that quickly reminded us all why we’re so against the superiors in our society. Check out the video below, it is actually interested in telling you the truth, not just coercing you into believing whatever they want you to believe like NASA does every Tuesday.

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