
CCTV shows an unknown humanoid being – Online debate on this video has been active.

A remarkable and strange video was uploaded on a Facebook user’s page. She uploaded the video along with a letter in which she claimed that on a Sunday morning, when checking the CCTV cameras, she discovered devilry on one of them. On the internet, the video has received a lot of attention.

Evidently, a lot of individuals believed this to be a fake. The vast majority of Facebook users, however, have an entirely different perspective. The person who posted this video does not, in fact, seem to be a prankster or even a fan of the paranormal. Furthermore, her page is quite serious and ancient, making it hard to believe this is a scam.

Even though the humanoid in the video is rather little, it is inconceivable that a youngster in disguise could move in the way that it does. But how is this possible? Possibly a being from another planet? If that’s the case, why was the incident only visible on one of the three cameras? Is there a chance it’s a ghost?

Once more, the question of whether this is all a joke has been raised, but it is hard to believe that Vivian is no longer a teenager trying to trick us all. Again, there is no explanation for what happened.

Keep in mind that the video has more than 10 million views. There is no doubt that internet users are confused…

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