
‘Time traveller’ issues bizarre warning claiming people will ‘fall from sky NEXT YEAR’

A man who claims to be a ” time traveller from 2671″ has warned seven people “will mysteriously fall from the sky” in June next year – despite no planes “flying in the area.”

Eno Alaric, who posts on TikTok under the username @radianttimetraveller, has amassed more than 26,000 followers on the app by posting warnings about future events.

In his latest video, which has had more than 1,700 likes, Eno wrote: “June 18, 2023: 7 people mysteriously fall from the sky, but there was nothing flying in that area.”

He also wrote: “ATTENTION! I am a time traveller from the year 2671 and I am here to warn you about these five dates to come.

A “time traveller” has shared warnings online( Image:

“November 30, 2022: The James Webb telescope discovers a planet that is a mirrored version of Earth. January 1, 2023: A plane flying over the Burmuda triangle goes missing.

“March 3, 2023: A message is received all around the world that seems to have come from the ocean. May 15, 2023: A 750ft mega-tsunami hits the California coast, mainly San Francisco.”

Eno, believed to be from the US, previously shared information about twin planets with Earth, alien visitors and even portals opening to other times.

But his warnings have been met with doubt from other social media users.

Seven people will mysteriously fall from the sky next year, it’s said ( Image:

One person posted: “Why is it always bad news?? I don’t get it.”

Another shared: “If he came from the future he should be able to tell us how to get rich over the next few months.”

A third wrote: “I don’t think so.”

Some people thought – or at least hoped – Eno’s predictions will come true. They also took to social media.

One said on Facebook : “I know this ain’t real, but I want the first one (Earth’s twin planet) to be real.”

Another shared: “If they land at my place I’ll happily make scones and a pot of tea.”

A further user posted: “Wahoo, finally some excitement in this world.”


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