
Take me to your realtor! Owners of Arizona’s infamous ‘Alien Ranch’ sell up for $5 million after 20 years ‘battling evil extra-terrestrials from another dimension who sexually abused them’

The owners of an Arizona ranch are desperately trying to sell the property where they claim they have been terrorized by aliens for the last 20 years.

John Edmonds and his wife Joyce say the aliens, which they call ‘grays’, have been attacking them for years on the property in Buckeye, Arizona.

John, 58, says he is left no choice but to slay them with one of many samurai swords he keeps around the house but claims their bodies vanish immediately afterwards, making it impossible for him to preserve them for research.

They first put their home on the market 11 years ago for $1.1million but, after appearing on television shows about the extra-terrestrial and finding stardom on chatrooms and internet hubs devoted to aliens, they have raised the price by almost $4million.

The owners of Stardust Ranch in Buckeye, Arizona, are selling the 9 acre property for $5million because they say it is terrorized by aliens 

The owners of Stardust Ranch in Buckeye, Arizona, are selling the 9 acre property for $5million because they say it is terrorized by aliens

John Edmonds, 58, claims he has slain 18 of the 'grays' with a samurai sword. His wife Joyce claims she is molested by the aliens in her sleepJohn Edmonds, 58, claims he has slain 18 of the 'grays' with a samurai sword. His wife Joyce claims she is molested by the aliens in her sleep

John Edmonds, 58, claims he has slain 18 of the ‘grays’ with a samurai sword. His wife Joyce claims she is molested by the aliens in her sleep

This is a photo which Edmonds describes as 'actual undoctored' proof of the 'gray' ETs which terrorize them

This is a photo which Edmonds describes as ‘actual undoctored’ proof of the ‘gray’ ETs which terrorize them

Now they want $5million for the 9.67 acre property.  They believe there is a portal which links them to another universe on the property which the ‘grays’ travel through.

Another of their theories is that a spaceship or UFO is buried beneath the property which was built in 1977.

He says the aliens pop up at random, sometimes in groups, to attack him. Fifty-three-year-old Joyce says the mischievous creatures have even sexually molested her in her bedroom.

The extra-terrestrial disturbance has not stopped them from running Hopeful Hooves, their horse-riding school for disabled children which they operate on-site, but the pair are now eager to move.

They make no secret of their experience in a listing for the property which even uses it as a selling point.

While he has only one apparent picture of the aliens, Edmonds has taken others which he says shows the scene after he has killed them with one of the samurai swords he keeps on hand. He claims their bodies immediately vanish after they die

While he has only one apparent picture of the aliens, Edmonds has taken others which he says shows the scene after he has killed them with one of the samurai swords he keeps on hand. He claims their bodies immediately vanish after they die

The sprawling 9-acre plot of Stardust Ranch in Buckeye. Its owners say there are portals to other universes which aliens use on the grounds

The sprawling 9-acre plot of Stardust Ranch in Buckeye. Its owners say there are portals to other universes which aliens use on the grounds

The owners say they first realized there was odd activity on the site when all of the furniture ended up in the pool on their first day there 20 years ago

The owners say they first realized there was odd activity on the site when all of the furniture ended up in the pool on their first day there 20 years ago

Despite the fact that aliens, known as 'grays', roam the grounds, the couple say they are able to maintain the property as a functioning farm 

Despite the fact that aliens, known as ‘grays’, roam the grounds, the couple say they are able to maintain the property as a functioning farm

They even run a horse rescue on the land and allow disabled children to spend time with the animals. The aliens, however, torture their horses by mutilating them, the couple said 

They even run a horse rescue on the land and allow disabled children to spend time with the animals. The aliens, however, torture their horses by mutilating them, the couple said

The couple did not include any photographs of the interior of the home in their listing 

The couple did not include any photographs of the interior of the home in their listing

One of the water features on the land. The owners say they want to take their horse business to Maine to escape the aliens 

One of the water features on the land. The owners say they want to take their horse business to Maine to escape the aliens

Edmonds claims he is left with odd and unexplainable injuries by the alients 

Edmonds claims he is left with odd and unexplainable injuries by the alients

‘The current owners purchased the property 20 years ago to run a horse rescue.

‘Over the years, they have experienced a series of strange events that continue to this day,’ their realtor said.

Bizarrely, they did not include photographs of the house’s interior on the listing.

John regularly complains about the aliens and the damage they inflict on him on Facebook 

John regularly complains about the aliens and the damage they inflict on him on Facebook

Over the last 20 years, Edmonds says he has killed 18 of the ‘grays’. He claims he has been mutilated by them and that some of the animals on the property have also suffered inexplicable injuries.

When he and Joyce moved in 20 years ago, they were not told of any alien activity.

Their first clue came on the first day in the home, all of the old owner’s furniture which had been left behind ended up in the pool.

John claims to have sent some of the tissue and blood to independent labs to be tested.

The couple previously appeared on Ghost Adventures on the Travel Channel.

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