
Explore the Underwater Museum of Art’s Wonders.

Cancun by itself is a magical place, but did you know that here you can also find the only underwater art museum in the world? We are talking about the MUSA (Subacuatic Museum of Art), and in this new post you will discover all about this wonderful place.

Brief History

This monumental and wonderful art museum spanning the waters of the Mexican Caribbean was founded in 2009. It has more than 500 sculptures completely submerged underwater, making this wonderful and original place one of the most attractive tourist destinations in Cancun and the world. This project was founded by Jaime Gonzalez Cano, Director of the West Coast National Park Isla Mujeres, Punta Cancun, Punta Nizuc. As well as by Roberto Diaz Abraham, who was at that time President of Nautical Associates of Cancun and by the talented British artist Jason deCaires Taylor.


Discovering the MUSA (Underwater Museum of Art)

Here is a video that illustrates very well everything you can find in this magical tourist-artistic destination:

The Artists

The greatest exponent of MUSA is Jason deCaires Taylor, who in addition to being a sculptor is also a photographer. This artist was born in 1974 and is known mainly because his works are underwater. From a young age, deCaires enjoyed exploring the coral reefs in Malaysia, hence his vocation is geared towards ecotourism as well as exploring maritime aesthetics.

He graduated with honors from the London Institute of Arts and when he already had 17 years of diving experience he was given the opportunity to transport his work to the sea. The artist is an advocate of the idea of sustainable art and both the concepts and materials used in his works are based on this principle. He previously developed a similar work to that of MUSA for an underwater park on the island of Grenada. He is also known for photographing his work himself.

Other exhibitors at MUSA are Karen Salinas Martínez, a graduate of the National School of Plastic Arts (ENAP) of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM); economist Roberto Díaz Abraham, who studied for a Master’s degree at Boston University; graphic designer Salvador Quiroz Ennis; and Rodrigo Quiñones Reyes, a graduate of the Escuela Superior de Artes Visuales de Yucatán, in Mexico.

Some of the masterpieces Banqueros

This artwork was designed entirely by British artist and MUSA founder Jason deCaires Taylor.

“In “The Banker” and “Deregulated,” he creates submarine monuments to corporate greed that morph into vibrant habitats for marine flora and fauna. Throughout his work, deCaires Taylor depicts people engaged in ordinary, everyday activities — watching TV, looking at a cellphone, taking a selfie — as a way of highlighting our role as individuals in the degradation of the environment. He urges us to avert a legacy of ocean pollution and destructive climate change, and to embrace our collective responsibility to future generations. And he leads by example, introducing artificial reefs into distressed marine environments and restoring vitality to our oceans one sunken treasure at a time.”

This enigmatic work of art was crafted by the talented artist Salvador Quiroz Ennis.

The bacabob, according to experts in the field, were the children of the creator god Itzamna and the goddess of health Ixchebelyax, who was killed and revived. The task of the bacabob was to sustain the firmament, and they are generally represented as old men, who can carry a shell or turtle.

From that legend, Quiroz Ennis, made this sculpture that follows the effort of the rehabilitation of the marine ecosystem in the Caribbean Sea.

In the place where the sculpture of Quiroz Ennis is located, several divers and snorkelers attend, as they love to visit Musa in Cancun, a museum that promotes reducing the environmental impact, in addition to promoting and making people aware that the sea is one of the most important ecosystems of the globe.

The Muse Of The Ocean Previous Next

This is one of the sculptures that stands out the most. La Musal Del Océano was created by artist Roberto Díaz Abraham.

Now let’s see how you can visit this museum. There are 4 ways to do it and below you will learn more about them.

4 Ways To Visit The MUSA

There are different options, in order to give you the best experience. Here are the ways to visit and explore this wonderful Underwater Museum of Art:

Glass Bottom Boat

If diving is not your thing, you have nothing to worry about, as you can explore the MUSA with the help of this modality. This boat with its beautiful glass bottom will help you discover the wonders of the depths of the Mexican Caribbean, as well as the sculptures of the museum and the works of art of nature itself: flora, fauna and corals.

Scuba diving

What better way to explore this place than diving underwater? If you love adventure and excitement, then this activity is a must. There are several packages available, both for certified divers and for those new but eager to practice this activity. In our opinion this is the best way to explore this museum and the bottom of the Mexican Caribbean. You will have face to face contact with this wonderful and splendid place.

Jungle Tour

Hop on one of these small and fast boats to explore Cancun the way it should be. You can also snorkel to see the different pieces of this underwater art museum. On this tour, which usually has 5 boats and a certified guide, you can explore both the museum and the beauty of the mangrove and lagoon. A unique experience.


Finally we have the snorkeling tours. A wonderful way to see and appreciate the more than 500 underwater sculptures, as well as the flora and fauna of the place, especially those that have formed both inside and around the art pieces.

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