
According to researchers, the Milky Way is home to more than 30 advanced alien civilizations (video)

We’ve always wondered if there are any life forms out there like ourselves. The discovery of intelligent life forms could reveal a great deal about the cosmos, including how insignificant we are on its scale.

But, after finding such creatures, scientists will be able to put to rest a long-standing myth that has perplexed scientists since our first journey to the Moon in 1969.

If no other living species exist, so any culture that has ever existed and will ever exist has an expiration date.

According to Christopher Conselice’s latest report, there should be at least 30 intelligent societies on the planet. As a result, he devised the “Copernicus Astrobiological Limit,” a system that estimates the likelihood of life evolving on its own through evolution based on our own present evolution.

According to the results of the simulation, life should have evolved in less than 5 billion years, and there should be about 36 civilizations still existing in our known system, according to the robot.

Reaching them will take a very long time since they are about 17,000 light-years away from us.

If we discover that a more or less sophisticated civilization vanished during that time period, it could serve as a sobering warning that our own civilization is on the same precipice. But, what are your thoughts?


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