Uri Geller predicts a “massive alien invasion” will occur.

The Earth is allegedly awaiting a catastrophic extraterrestrial invasion, according to renowned psychic Uri Geller. He claims to have overheard “higher creatures” conversing 4,000 light-years distant.

According to dailystar.uk, Uri Geller alerted NASA to get ready for an impending major extraterrestrial invasion of Earth.

According to Geller, the massive energy source, which has been seen by scientists at a distance of 4000 light years, is likely a communication from “higher beings” in outer space.

He thinks that the aliens are already moving toward us.

This disappearing space object is emitting giant, highly-polarized radio  bursts every 20 minutes - CBS News

“A team tracking radio waves in the universe has uncovered something odd that produces a huge burst of energy three times an hour and it’s unlike anything astronomers have seen before,” he said on Instagram.

“I have no doubt that this is related to alien intellect that is far superior than our own.

“Start interpreting their communications! They’re getting ready for a big landing shortly, we hear!

The enigmatic new phenomena, according to astronomers, has never been witnessed before. They speculate that it may be a white dwarf or neutron star with an extremely powerful magnetic field (magnetar).

Astrophysicist Dr. Natasha Hurley-Walker of Curtin University in Australia stated: “During our observations, this object emerged and vanished for several hours.

It was a little unsettling for an astronomer since there isn’t anything in the sky that can accomplish that.

And it’s only 4,000 light years away from us, which is extremely near. It is near us in the galaxy.

source: theancientzen.com

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