
These Twins Were Both Born With Shocking Snow-White Hair

Ask any parent, and they’ll tell you how precious and breathtakingly beautiful their children are. Undoubtedly, all parents see their kids as the most loveable and special beings and never miss a chance to shower them with tender love and care.

Indeed, there are many amazing aspects that distinguish us as humans. Different skin tones, hairstyles, tattoos, and languages all around the world create a beautiful rainbow of culture and beauty. One thing is for sure, though – everybody can agree that every baby born is precious, adorable, and just generally super lovable.

A special birth

Some babies are more striking than others. That’s what Jorge Gomez and his wife found out firsthand when their two daughters, Catalina and Virginia, were born. Everything went as planned with the pregnancy and the twins Catalina and Virginia were born in the province of Tucuman, Argentina. The twins Virginia and Catalina were born in 2018 in the province of Tucumán, in the north of Argentina. They were born prematurely at 36 weeks, but both were at a healthy weight and the mother was fine. The two small wonders also had something very special about them that their parents were simply shocked by.

In many respects, the girls were unique. To begin with, they are identical twins, which is a unique blessing in and of itself. Second, they were tiny preterm infants. Catalina was the first to arrive in the world, making her the elder of the two. She weighed only 5.95 pounds – she was a tiny little girl! Virginia, her sister, appeared next. Even though it was just two minutes later, she is still a baby! Virginia weighed barely 5.5 pounds.

Snow-white hair!

The couple and the staff were shocked when they saw that both newborns had beautiful snow-white hair!

They were youngsters that were albino! When they made their grand debut, they startled and amazed the whole globe. Albinism is a disorder in which a person’s body lacks the pigment melanin. As a result, there is a lack of colour in the body. These pigmentation disorders are frequently accompanied by visual difficulties.

Doctors, parents, and the girls’ relatives couldn’t believe what they were hearing. They were unique and lovely in their own right. Virginia and Catalina also have an older 9-year-old brother who is overjoyed to have his sisters in his life.

Special care

While the couple was surprised and had to get used to the attention from all sources, they felt blessed with the new members of the family.

Caring for the girls will be difficult for their parents, but with a little love and time, they will be able to do it. When it comes to the sun, the girls will require extra caution. Catalina and Virginia will be highly susceptible to UV rays from the sun and will have to restrict their exposure. While other youngsters may easily apply sunscreen and spend the entire day outside, Catalina and Virginia will have to limit their exposure. But that will not be a problem for Jorge Gomez and his wife. A photograph shows them happily holding their bundles of joy in colorful blankets, grinning from ear to ear. They are most definitely proud, happy parents. These little girls will grow up so differently, but the couple is determined to show the world that all children deserve unconditional love and love without prejudice.

In an interview, the father stated that:

”When they gave us the news that we would have two babies, it gave us a lot of happiness and when they were born and we saw that they were , that happiness did not change at all. For us, it is a blessing.”

“For us, it is a blessing,” he added.

Such wonderful little girls that no doubt they will be showered with the love they deserve.

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