
Giant Petrified Snake Discovered in Rare Thailand Cave

The Naka caves in the Bueng Khong district, in Bueng Kan province in Thailand, have become creditors as one of the most enigmatic sites of the moment for an unusual discovery that has to do with a snake and rocks.

This is because pH๏τographs have been shared on social networks of a mysterious cave whose surface resembles a large-scale snake but made entirely of rocks and this fact has not left anyone indifferent on the internet.

It turns out that a Facebook user named Ord Tahanawanij posted a pH๏τo of this Naka cave, which has a rocky surface that looks exactly like the scales a snake creates when it curves.

Giant snake petrified in rock is found in rare cave in Thailand

Due to the impressive discovery, Ord Tahanawanij’s post soon began to circulate rapidly among social media netizens who were taken aback by the images uploaded to the network.

Likewise, there are other publications that share images of this Naka cave referring to the mysterious city, Pu Ua Lue, and its snake curse, where the reptile was petrified millions of years ago.

Supposedly until there came a point where the ground eroded away to reveal the remains of the stone serpent for people to see, as the vast majority have been shocked by the great serpent’s stone head and body.

There is also a legend that tells the story of King Yoo Lue, a cursed king who caused the city to fall into a lake and therefore he can only escape the curse until the city is reborn. However, nothing is known about this place for sure.

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