Author: Henry

Humanity has no official evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial life, but the thought of the possibility of making contact with intelligent aliens definitely excites the mind. However, in parallel, our archaic fear of the dark, of something unknown, is awakening. Therefore, we have objections when we hear that scientists are engaged in a targeted search for “brothers in mind.” Here are four of the most common objections to finding aliens and valid counterarguments to them. It’s insanely expensive This statement is completely untrue. The annual maintenance of a small radio telescope equipped with the latest technology will cost less…

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While alien life can be seen nightly on television and in the movies, it has never been seen in space. Not so much as a microbe, dead or alive, let alone a wrinkle-faced Klingon. Despite this lack of protoplasmic presence, there are many researchers – sober, sceptical academics – who think that life beyond Earth is rampant. They suggest proof may come within a generation. These scientists support their sunny point of view with a few astronomical facts that were unknown a generation ago. In particular, and thanks largely to the success of NASA’s Kepler space telescope, we can now…

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Since the creation of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) program, many scientists have been concerned with the question: what will happen if we detect a signal from an alien intelligence ? Special protocols have been developed for this, but the question is still open how exactly this discovery will affect people. In 2020, a paper by Ken Wisian and John Traphagan suggested that there was a risk of finding extraterrestrial life that had not been sufficiently explored before. Wisian and Traphagan argued that the danger of detection does not come from the aliens themselves, but from the fact that…

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While the cause of the Ice Age still remains a mystery for mainstream scientists, the frozen mammoth carcasses found in Siberia have also challenged our imagination for centuries. These carcasses sometimes come with skin, hair, and internal organs including the heart intact with blood inside. Reports of these discoveries intrigue everyone, for different reasons. One island in the New Siberian Islands, off the Arctic Ocean coast, is described as mostly mammoth bones. Over the years, a lucrative ivory trade developed as thousands of tons of ivory tusks have been unearthed and exported from Siberia. Scientists struggle to understand why these…

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We might have been looking in all the wrong places for the location of the lost city of Atlantis since everyone assumes it must be under the ocean somewhere, such as in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean or the Mediterranean Sea. Instead, it could be found in the African desert; and it’s been hiding in plain sight this whole time. Some theorists have proposed, the remains of the ringed city Plato spoke of in the fourth century BC can be found in the African country of Mauritania — a strange formation known as the Richat strucuture, or the ‘Eye of…

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Every year in Yoro, a small town in northern Honduras, a mysterious phenomenon occurs that no one can really explain. Locals call it literally “Lluvia de Peces” – “Rain of fish”. The phenomenon of fish showers (as well as showers of frogs and other small animals) has been reported in many places around the world over the years, but Yoro in Honduras claims to be the only place on the planet where this phenomenon occurs every year, and sometimes even several times a year. Typically, fish rain in Yoro falls between May and June, usually after a very strong storm.…

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Throughout human history, the number three has always had a unique meaning. If we go back a bit in our history, we can see that the number three was present in all ancient cultures, and this is extremely important What makes the number three so important to religion, architecture, mathematics, and many other areas of humanity? Various cultures around the world have long shared the belief that the number 3 represents something sacred, mystical, universal and divine. In the 6th century BC, the Greek mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras presented his famous theorem: a2 + b2 = c2. The Pythagorean formula…

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A cave in Israel said to be the burial place of Salome, Jesus’ midwife, has yielded more of its secrets, according to archaeologists who have unearthed inscriptions and precious artifacts there, which was once revered as a pilgrimage destination by early Christians. The discoveries at the Cave of Salome, near the ancient city of Lachish and about 30 miles (48 kilometers) southwest of Jerusalem, include hundreds of clay oil lamps that pilgrims had purchased or rented before entering the cave, and inscriptions carved into the walls by worshippers, some of them written in Arabic. Although looters discovered the cave 40 years…

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Dark Matter Web In the 1930s, a Swiss astronomer named Fritz Zwicky noticed that galaxies in a distant cluster were orbiting one another much faster than they should have been given the amount of visible mass they had. He proposed than an unseen substance, which he called dark matter, might be tugging gravitationally on these galaxies. Since then, researchers have confirmed that this mysterious material can be found throughout the cosmos, and that it is six times more abundant than the normal matter that makes up ordinary things like stars and people. Yet despite seeing dark matter throughout the universe,…

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Chadwick Boseman’s unfortunate passing left an aura of sadness for the people. Known as King T’Challa aka Black Panther in the MCU, the actor was loved by the people for his iconic role. It was hard for Disney and Marvel to cope with the loss since Chadwick Boseman as the Black Panther was an icon for the people. The decision to go ahead with a sequel to the 2018 Black Panther was a tough decision that Nate Moore had to make, but a decision that he did not regret. Chadwick Boseman was an icon for the people as Black Panther. When Marvel…

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The Marvel Cinematic Universe is expanding now more than ever. Apart from the main characters, the expansion is also seen giving some of the smaller characters the spotlight as well, including Don Cheadle’s War Machine. The actor is all set to explore his character in the upcoming movie, Armor Wars. Don Cheadle Although Don Cheadle is super excited about his own movie and the expansion altogether, there are some wrinkles on his forehead, too. Apparently, the actor is worried about the future of the MCU and hopes that the superhero universe focuses on maintaining good quality in their projects. Don Cheadle…

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Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness left our screens with the Kamar-Taj being under repair. A character who was introduced in the movie, America Chavez, was seen training along with the surviving sorcerers under the guidance of the current Sorcerer Supreme, Wong. A still from Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness The movie ended with Doctor Strange following Clea, A sorceress, into the Dark Dimension to help fix the “incursion” he had caused. Thanks to the cliffhanger mid-credit scene, we know that Multiverse of Madness isn’t the last that we saw of Stephen Strange. However, what about the Sorcerer…

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