Author: Henry

Almost everyone of us already heard of the “Baltic Sea Anomaly.” This discovery made a sensation in 2011 when a bizarre image appeared on the sonar of Peter Lindberg, Dennis Åberg, and their Swedish “Ocean X” diving team while treasure hunting on the floor of the northern Baltic Sea at the center of the Gulf of Bothnia. A strange, circular object found at the bottom of Baltic Sea in 2011 continues to baffle scientists. © Image Credit: National Geographic It seems that the strange shape of the structure on the seabed was not the only “anomaly”. During the investigation, divers said that…

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Even though mummification is still practised in some distant cultures, it is uncommon in the Western world. Rosalia Lombardo, a two-year-old girl, died in 1920 from an intensified case of bronchopneumonia, a kind of pneumonia that involves inflammation in the alveoli. Rosalia Lombardo – The Blinking Mummy Despite providing her with the greatest medicine available at the time, she was still extremely young and lacked the necessary immune system to combat bronchopneumonia. Mario Lombardo: A desperate father Mario Lombardo, her father, wanted to uncover the specific cause of her death so he could “blame” someone. The Lombardo family was Italian,…

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In 2014, NASA published a book looking at extraterrestrial intervention in human history. It explores the possibility that some of the rock art on Earth may be of extraterrestrial origin. Moreover, in 2009, scientists found an unknown mineral in Siberia that arrived on Earth 4.5 billion years ago, that is, when the solar system was just being formed. This rare but strange piece of material was found in a box received from the Italian Museum of Natural History in Florence. According to an international team of researchers led by scientists from Princeton University, he arrived on Earth with the Khatyrka…

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In an interview, former CIA pilot John Lear stunned the world by disclosing appearances, names, and details about the location of millions humanoid aliens residing on the moon. Lear has abundant evidence that these beings visited our planet and continue to do so today, and he also said that there are underground cities beneath the surface of the Moon where gray aliens reside. According to the former CIA pilot, there are laboratories in these underground towns where genetic experimentation are carried out. But back to the beginning. Former CIA officer John Lear and four of his associates organized a recruitment…

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This very strange case occurred in Argentina in 1986 and is almost unknown in the world of ufology, but Spanish-speaking researchers have documented quite a lot of materials on this case. It all started on the night of January 9, 1986 on a small farm that was located near the hills of the Sierra del Paharillo. Esperanza Gomez, her sister Sarah and her grandson Gabriel Gomez were at the farm that night, reports At about 22:00 they were sitting and playing cards when Dona Esperanza suddenly thought she heard a car approaching the farm, and, focusing on this sound, she…

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UFO hunters claim to have found remarkable evidence of extraterrestrial activity after a “beetle-like” UFO was filmed over Mexico. The poor-quality clip, apparently shot in 2015, depicts an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) hovering in the sky. The matt-black object appears to be circular, with at least two limp leg-like protrusions at its base. Without providing any evidence to corroborate his claims, ET hunter and conspiracy theorist Scott Waring believe this video was captured over Mexico City, Mexico. Mr Waring took to his blog UFO Sightings Daily to speculate further about the origin of this supposed UFO event. He said of…

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Dinosaurs are one of the most successful groups of animals to have roamed the planet. For over 170 million years they dominated the land, from small creatures just a few feet long to some of the largest animals ever to have walked Earth. But despite their long evolutionary history, the origin of dinosaurs remains shrouded in mystery. When did dinosaurs evolve, and what did the first ones look like? The earliest definitive dinosaur is not one animal but an entire ecosystem containing a few different species. There’s no universally accepted dinosaur species that lived earlier in time. Dating to around…

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The discovery was made by scientists from the Siberian Section of the Russian Academy of Sciences (СО РАН) conducted radiocarbon analyses of reindeer antler fragments found at the Kushevat Paleolithic site in the Lower Ob region. In addition to the antler bones, scientists also examined a woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius), a steppe bison (Bison Priscus), Elk (Alces alces), deer (Cervus elephus sibiricus), and, potentially, a musk ox (Ovibos moschatus). Analyses of the bones dated them back to a series of 20 different radiocarbon dates, all ranging from the period between 20 and 40 thousand years ago. Although this finding solely points to animals, and not humans, inhibiting the Arctic region…

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Who knew flowers can grow this big? Flowering plants are among the most diverse forms of life on Earth, and the ones withe most enormous flowers show just how far the adaptations have gone. From the three-feet-in-diameter “corpse flower” to a type of magnolia with a flower much bigger than a grown man’s hand, here are five of the biggest flowers on our planet. One of the three national flowers in Indonesia, Rafflesia arnoldii is a member of the monster flower genus and is known for producing the largest individual flower on Earth. Its fully developed flower appears above the…

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“I heard a kind of zipping sound. I looked up and saw a blue flashing light… We saw a 30-foot-long object with a little dome on top.” Calvin Parker stands with family members at the historical marker in Pascagoula What is certain about the night of Oct. 11, 1973, is this: When Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker Jr. arrived at the sheriff’s department in Pascagoula, Mississippi, they were frantic. They told authorities they had just been abducted by aliens. Each had a puncture wound in one arm. Police tried to catch them in a lie, but it didn’t work. Both…

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Marvel Studios’ upcoming Deadpool 3 is reportedly bringing beloved characters from Fox’s X-Men and Fantastic Four. The announcement of the third installment of the franchise was made last year, with Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine returning to the screen. Ryan Reynolds in Deadpool (2016) Jackman revealed that a unique Wolverine arc is in the works, and the project is the actor’s first appearance in a long while after 2017’s Logan. After years of teasing a collaboration, Deadpool and Wolverine are finally sharing the screen in a much-awaited action-packed film. Fox X-Men Characters Are Reportedly Set To Appear In Deadpool 3 Speaking with People, Hugh Jackman described his return as Wolverine and the…

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With Hugh Jackman rapidly reaching the end of the line, there isn’t an easy way to say this but – it is finally time. The fandom has already had a practice run at bidding the legend adieu via the heartfelt tribute and worthy farewell, Logan. But this time around, the actor crosses worlds and the expansive multiverse to bring Wolverine back to us one last time. Deadpool 3 being a definitive mile marker for both Ryan Reynolds and his Aussie frenemy, it is bound to set a legacy to remember. But every legacy finds itself faced with a multitude of admirers who…

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