Author: Henry

Among the thousands of UFO-related cases that have been reported over the years, the Falcon Lake UFO encounter occupies a unique place in paranormal history. While a large majority of UFO incidents are reported as strictly aerial sightings, the Falcon Lake encounter is one of a relatively small amount of cases that document actual physical injuries as the result of a UFO-related experience. The incident was reported to have taken place on May 20th, 1967 at Falcon Lake in southeastern Manitoba, Canada. Stephen Michalak, a mechanic living in Winnipeg, Manitoba, had decided to spend his Victoria Day weekend prospecting for…

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The James Bond franchise has been on a vigorous quest to find its new 007 after the exit of Daniel Craig from the franchise. Although Henry Cavill was initially considered the favorite after Craig, it seems the actor Aaron Taylor-Johnson has turned up as the new contender for the role. The Marvel star Aaron Taylor-Johnson seems to have caught the eyes of the Bond producer, as the Quicksilver actor is reportedly being considered the new frontrunner for the iconic role. But Henry Cavill isn’t much behind his new adversary, considering he was one of the first choices for James Bond before Daniel…

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Having sheltered a crashed alien, the shepherd Sagynbai may have saved the Soviet base with nuclear weapons from a UFO invasion. This story took place in June 1979 in the Turgai region of the Kazakh SSR near Arkalyk – now almost abandoned, but then – a prosperous industrial city. The local shepherd named Sagynbay, woke up in the middle of the night, left the house and saw that the sky was glowing. It seemed to him that the source of light was not far away, and the shepherd, saddling his horse, decided to go and find out what was the…

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Ah, the candle clock. A timeless invention that has been used to measure time – and wake people up – for ages. And it works in such simple but cool way. Candle clocks, also known as candle timers, are devices that use the rate of burning of a candle to measure a specific amount of time. The most basic form of a candle clock consists of a candle, a holder, and a marking on the candle or holder that indicates the amount of time that has passed. The principle behind a candle clock is that the rate at which a…

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A mysterious 3,200-year-old sword accidentally discovered near a stone megalith on the Spanish island of Majorca (Mallorca) sheds new light on a long-lost civilization. The sword was found by archaeologists at the Talaiot del Serral de ses Abelles site in the town of Puigpunyent in Mallorca, Spain. It’s one of only 10 swords from the Bronze Age found at the site. © Diario de Mallorca Named the Talayot Sword the artifact seems to have been left deliberately at the site, but for what reason? The Spanish Excalibur, as some refer to it was unearthed underneath a rock and mud close…

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There is a lot of information about UFO research by employees of a special department under the KGB. The KGB was the main security agency for the Soviet Union from 13 March 1954 until 3 December 1991. It was the chief government agency of “union-republican jurisdiction”, carrying out internal security, intelligence and secret police functions. The agency was a military service governed by army laws and regulations, in the same fashion as the Soviet Army or the MVD Internal Troops. While most of the KGB archives remain classified, with the collapse of the USSR, the “secret” stamp was dropped from…

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Norman Bergrun, a scientist who worked for 12 years at NASA, has claimed that there are alien ships in the rings of Saturn. But, he stated with regret, science does not want to admit this. Bergrun served on the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics and worked with Lockheed Martin on some classified aerospace projects. In his 1986 book Ringmakers of Saturn, he first outlined the theory that extraterrestrial craft had been sighted on the solar system’s ringed planets, especially Saturn. Bergrun says that while analyzing images taken from the Voyager probes over the years, he found strange objects near the…

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The extremely well-camouflaged mata mata turtle dresses like a piece of bark with spiky ridged scales, and sucks in prey by creating a vacuum. And it appears to be always smiling. One of the largest freshwater turtles (their shell can grow to nearly 45 centimeters or 1.5 feet, and weigh about 17 kilograms or 38 pounds), the mata mata is a rather strange-looking animal, at least by human standards. It has a disproportionately large head and elongated thick neck, riddled with warts and ridges known as ‘tubercles‘. On either side of its long snout sits a shiny disc resembling a…

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In the remote Siberian forests live mysterious people called the Ket. They are reclusive nomadic tribes that still hunt with bows and arrows and use dogsleds for transportation. A family of Siberian Ket people © Wikimedia Commons These indigenous peoples of the Siberian forests, referred to as the Ket people (or “Oroch” in some accounts), have long been intriguing anthropologists, historians and—yes—even UFO enthusiasts. The reason for this is because the origin of these people has remained a mystery for a long time. Their stories, customs, appearance and even language are so unique from all other known tribes that it…

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In 1978, a case occurred in the USSR, which is still being discussed among ufologists. Not far from Perm there was a children’s pioneer camp “Rainbow”. Every year, several hundred boys and girls rested here, reports They came from nearby cities and villages, as well as from distant ones. Larisa Goyvorova was a native of St. Petersburg and at the age of 15, she visited the “Rainbow” and found herself in the center of strange events. On July 21, 1978, Larisa Goyvorova woke up at night from the fact that someone was calling her name. The sound was heard in…

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There are some actors who just end up bringing such a vibrance and atmosphere to movies that just make you want to watch those movies over and over again, a good example being Zoe Saldana. This is a good phenomenon for everyone involved in making the movie as its theatrical release would get a major audience boost- producers get the money, and the actors get a reputed name. Coming back to Zoe Saldana, it’s no doubt that she can be included in this list of actors whose presence can simply end up boosting ticket sales of the movie. And with…

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Amid criticism of older superhero movies for being “more erratic,” Spider-Man actor Tobey Maguire paid tribute to them in a new interview. Many would argue that the past decade was the golden age of superhero films due to the dominance of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, with other franchises bringing top-level movies into the genre as well. However, before the MCU’s triumph, Marvel was busy making films since before the turn of the millennium, with outings like Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man trilogy and Fox’s X-Men taking center stage. While many have considered Spider-Man and the X-Men movies successful, there is still no shortage of criticism toward other projects such as 2003’s Daredevil, both Fantastic Four franchises, and 2007’s Ghost Rider. Now, Maguire has…

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