Disclosed revelations of ex-officials involved in the Pentagon investigation of UFOs

The startling revelations have been revealed in a new Military.com article based on interviews with a number of former officials involved in the Pentagon investigation into UFO sightings….

Se descubre que las momias sudamericanas fueron brutalmente asesinadas

Hay casos sin resolver, y realmente, realmente, casos sin resolver. La historia de dos momias sudamericanas entra en esta última categoría. Cuando los investigadores analizaron los restos de…

Sarcófago del secretario de Ramsés II encontrado en Saqqara

El sarcófago de granito rosa-rojo de Ptahmweia, secretario real durante el reinado de Ramsés II (1279-1213 a. C.) de la XIX Dinastía, ha sido descubierto en la necrópolis…

Monster deep sea fish discovered on a beach with unusual antenna and teeth like glass shards

The parasitic males that live within the female Pacific Football Fish, which are often located hundreds of feet beneath the ocean’s waves, gradually lose their eyes, organs, and…

El cráneo de babuino podría conducir a la tierra perdida de Punt

Los investigadores creen que han descubierto el primer ejemplo claro de un tesoro que los antiguos egipcios trajeron a casa desde la legendaria y perdida Tierra de Punt. Es…

A mysterious “golden brick route” to the mythical city of Atlantis has been found

It may resemble the golden brick road from The Wizard of Oz, or it might be a secret route to the fabled lost city of Atlantis. An underwater…

Terrifying “lizard fish” with rows of razor-sharp teeth discovered for the first time in the water

A blind eel with gelatinous skin that gives birth to live offspring as well as a lizard fish with razor-sharp teeth have been found by scientists to be…

The world’s earliest narrative carving depicts a man holding his penis and is flanked by leopards.

The oldest narrative carving known to science is an 11,000-year-old relief that was discovered in Turkey. The oldest known narrative scenario, according to a new study, is depicted…

Massive Crater In Desert Called ‘The Door To Hell’ And It’s Been Burning For 40 Years

It’s hard to wrap your head around the fact that certain places and phenomenons on this Earth actually exist. They seem like something that would be more fitting…

The 180-million-year-old dinosaur fossil is expected to bring in over $600,000 at auction

The remains will be offered for sale on December 13 at the Bonhams Natural History auction.There is currently a prehistoric treasure for sale, this time in the City…

Arqueólogos en Perú descubren ocho esqueletos de la época colonial

Arqueólogos en Perú han desenterrado los restos de tres niños y cinco adultos. Esto se suma a los cuerpos descubiertos en este sitio en agosto, los investigadores sospechan…

Encuentran canastas de frutas de 2.400 años bajo el agua en Egipto

Recientemente, mientras se realizaban trabajos de investigación en Thonis-Heracleion en la bahía de Abu Qir, ¡se han descubierto cestas de frutas intactas que datan del siglo IV a….