
While Black-and-white Is Stunning On Its Own, Adding Color To The Mix Creates A Special Effect.

Even while black and gray are stunning on their own, adding color to the mix has a special effect.

Adding just one color to a predominately black-and-grey tattoo makes a profound impact and allows Suno’s designs to pop off the canvas. Suno leveled up his work by incorporating hints of red or yellow, a style choice that made him one of the most sought-after artists in South Korea. We sat down with Suno to learn how he began his tattoo career, what inspired him to add color to black-and-grey and more.

When did you realize you were an artist?

I realized I was an artist when I saw myself growing little by little. I feel satisfied when clients get my work and are greatly moved by it. But of course, there are still times when I’m confused whether I’m an artist or a simple worker.

How did you become a tattoo artist?

After graduating from high school I had a vague idea of tattooing and I thought it was cool. I kept at it because I was motivated to do better.

How would you describe your signature style?

I still haven’t figured out my signature style. My goal is to develop my color work to be stronger and sharper.

What are some of your favorite things to tattoo and why?

I love realism the most, even though I’m a fan of all genres. I like tattoos that are sophisticated, powerful and contain a message. Tattoos should retain a certain charm, no matter how old they are.

If you had to choose, would you rather only tattoo large-scale or micro pieces?

I would choose large-scale tattoos. It is my eternal goal to make great tattoos on a large scale.

How do you approach putting color into your tattoos and what impact do you think pops of color have on black-and-grey realism?

In my designs, I try to use colors to stimulate certain emotions. For example, I use color to emphasize power in the overall design by including red in my black-and-grey pieces.

Who are some of your favorite musicians to tattoo? Who would you like to do a tattoo of in the future?

I like The Weeknd. But I also just like people who like my work, so I like to share ideas, research, and work together with my clients.

How have you grown as an artist since you started tattooing?

Tattoos are illegal in Korea, so most Korean tattoo artists are working in a very difficult environment, leading to an unstable life. Nevertheless, I didn’t give up on my passion. I have interacted with artists in various fields, listened to advice from senior and junior tattoo artists, and always tried new things.

What’s the best advice you received when you were learning to tattoo?

It’s the same in every field, but to become an artist who works for a long time, it’s all about repaying the customers who visit me time after time.

What advice would you give to aspiring tattoo artists?

Always be humble, proud of your work, inspired by all artistic fields and positive about trying new things.

If you could tattoo in another style, what would it be?

A very powerful and hardcore tribal.

If you could shadow one artist for a day, who would it be?

Definitely Robert Hernandez.

What else should our readers know about you?

I still have many shortcomings, but I always do my best to become an artist who will be remembered for a long time. There aren’t many people who know my work, but it’s thanks to those few people that I’m able to appear in such a wonderful magazine. Thank you to everyone!


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