An MCU Theory Connects Captain America 4 to an Old Villain (& It’s Not The Leader)

The plot of Captain America: New World Order is under tight wraps. A new fan theory, however, claims the MCU has already revealed the film’s villains.

Captain America: New World Order is slated for release in 2024, and the project has already set Marvel fans buzzing about who the potential antagonist could be. Tim Blake Nelson has already been confirmed to be returning to the Marvel Cinematic Universe as The Leader. The film will also mark his first MCU appearance since 2008’s The Incredible Hulk. However, his motives and goals are still a mystery, and he’s far from the only threat who could conceivably appear. HYDRA, for instance, has long remained one of Captain America’s fiercest foes. With Sam Wilson now officially carrying the mantle, it makes sense to pit him against an organization that gave Steve Rogers all he could handle.

A new Reddit theory by poster the_childful_potato maintains that Marvel has already tipped its hand about HYDRA’s presence in the upcoming film. Arnim Zola refers to a “new world order” engineered by HYDRA during the events of Captain America: The Winter Soldier. That matches the title of the fourth Captain America feature too closely to pass unnoticed. If the theory holds true, The Leader may be a long way from Sam’s biggest problem.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier Refers to The New World Order

The term “new world order” first appeared in a 1990 speech by then-President George Herbert Walker Bush. He was speaking about Iraq’s recent invasion of the adjoining nation of Kuwait, resulting in the first Gulf War in 1991. More broadly, he was referring to the collapse of the Soviet Union, the end of The Cold War, and the resulting shift in global politics. Over time, the term took on more actively sinister connotations, and has often been used in TV and movies as shorthand for any villain planning global domination.

Zola uses the term in The Winter Soldier after Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff find his consciousness lurking in a deeply hidden computer system. In true maniacal supervillain fashion, he reveals how HYDRA systemically infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D. and used figures like Bucky Barnes’ Winter Soldier to manipulate global events. “Once the purification process is complete,” he intones ominously. “HYDRA’s new world order will arise.”

The New World Order Could Be a HYDRA Reference

The phrase is certainly common enough for the connection to be coincidental. On the other hand, the MCU’s fastidious attention to detail means that there are very few coincidental connections in the saga. Indeed, some plot threads can dangle for decades before being resolved. For example, the villains in Spider-Man: Far From Home turn out to be disgruntled ex-Stark employees from the original Iron Man released 11 years earlier. If the Reddit theory holds, Zola’s prediction might tie directly into Captain America: New World Order’s plot.

That wouldn’t preclude The Leader’s presence either, particularly if Zola was directly involved. Steve and Natasha appeared to destroy the computer array containing his consciousness in The Winter Soldier, but death is never permanent, especially in comic books. A Zola still bound to a computer hard drive would need a partner like The Leader to act in the real world, providing a natural explanation for the two to join forces. Even if the specifics vary, there’s no reason to preclude The Leader belonging to some fresh HYDRA plot.

Toby Jones, who plays Zola, hasn’t been announced as part of the cast, nor have any other actors associated with HYDRA characters been confirmed. But the Reddit theory has some compelling circumstantial evidence in its corner, and while The Leader isn’t traditionally associated with HYDRA, the MCU isn’t shy about making big changes to suit its stories. Until New World Order reveals more of its plot or its cast, there’s little to refute the idea. Samuel Sterns may need to make room form some decidedly sinister buddies.

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