
Little Girl Inherits An Incredibly Rare Genetic ‘Birthmark’ – Leaving Her With A Striking White Streak Through Her Hair

A mother has passed on a unique ‘birthmark’ that turns her hair white to her daughter – who has become the fourth generation of her family with the striking trait. Brianna Worthy, 23, from Ridgeland, South Carolina, and her 18-month-old daughter MilliAnna, were both born with a white patch at the front of their hair.

When Brianna Worthy gave birth to daughter MilliAnna Worthy in May 2015, she noticed a patch of white hair on the front of her head. The mother couldn’t stop loving her daughter as the nurses put the baby on her chest. Brianna revealed that her mother, Jennifer, and grandmother, Joanne, were also born with similar white hair. Brianna says: No sons in the family, three women and a baby

Brianna hoped MilliAnna would carry the uncommon birthmark from her when she became pregnant. It’s likely that MilliAnna won’t have the white hair patch because she recalled that her sister doesn’t have it. MilliAnna suffers from a rare condition called polio that causes her hair to turn white due to the absence of the pigment melanin, which gives it a dark color.

Adorable photos of the little girl with her mother and grandmother show what the Cruella de Vil-esque family looks like. We’re not sure how far the birthmark goes because my grandmother was adopted as a child and hasn’t met her biological family. I was hoping she had it. My sister that my mother had a few years after I didn’t get it, so I don’t know if MilliAnna would go, but once I had her and they put her on my chest and I saw her he had it. very happy.

Brianna is happy that her little one has inherited rare features from her, she also knows about the downside of having a prominent patch of white hair right on her forehead. As a child, she was bullied because of her rare birthmark. The bullies called her names like “skunk”, making her feel bad about her patch of white hair. Even after growing up, people will ask her about her hair, but they never bully her again.

She said: ‘We definitely get stopped a lot when out and about in our daily routine. Most of the time I welcome comments that are polite and don’t mind answering lots of questions, but honestly, it can be overwhelming at times. I plan to raise my daughter because I know she’s beautiful, special, and sometimes I don’t listen to people’s malicious comments

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