
Unblemished LeBron James record does not bode well for Grizzlies’ chances vs. Lakers in pivotal Game 6

Lakers: LeBron James record isn't good for Grizzlies in Game 6

The Los Angeles Lakers will get a second shot at closing out their NBA Playoffs first-round series against the Memphis Grizzlies on Friday night. LeBron James and Co. failed to take out the Grizzlies in Game 5, and they now enter Game 6 with a precarious 3-2 series lead over Memphis. If you look at history, though, the odds are certainly in favor of LeBron and the Lakers.

As reported by ESPN Stats & Info on Twitter, James holds an unblemished playoff record when leading any series by two games. The Lakers were up 3-1 vs. the Grizzlies in this opening-round series, which means that LeBron will be looking to improve his personal record to 31-0 on Friday night:



That’s actually quite an amazing stat. Then again, this is LeBron James we’re talking about here, and at this point, it’s as if nothing surprises us about this man anymore. It is worth noting, though, that his record is currently second all-time behind the great Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. However, James could pass Kareem’s record this year if the Lakers are able to go all the way to the Finals.

Did you also notice that all four players on the list above were members of the Lakers at one point in their respective careers? This simply speaks volumes of the winning culture in LA — something that LeBron and Co. will be hoping to stay true to on Friday night when they host Ja Morant and the Grizzlies for Game 6 at the Arena. A loss for the Lakers, however, could lead to a disastrous turn of events in this series.

Source: https:/

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