
Huge Fleets Of Ufos Enter Earth’s Atmosphere. Nasa Records The Event Live On Tv From The Iss

Using the live stream from the International Space Station (ISS), NASA has recorded huge formations of UFOs flying over the bright side of Earth and penetrating the atmosphere. What’s happening over our heads? Why are these supposed alien spaceships getting closer and closer to our planet?

Space guests': Russian cosmonaut shares video showing apparent UFOs | CTV  News

It’s not the first time NASA has stopped broadcasting live from the International Space Station. As soon as strange objects appear on camera, they switch to the screen and the text you notice there is a sudden loss of signal between the station and the communication network. The high-tech cameras of the International Space Station captured this phenomenon no longer strange and disconcerting in space the phenomenon bears much resemblance to what we have been communicating with for two months. International Space Station and the proximity was still undetermined as the ISS cameras were looking into space outside Earth.

Now we have them so close they think they are under the Space Station and something is altering and setting off alarms in space agencies all over the world. One thing is for sure: are they coming to Earth? Are the aliens here to step up the global event? The images we can see in the video below have sparked a heated debate about the origins of the strange lights. What is NASA hiding?

In addition to these large groups of UFOs, anomalies continue to occur and they all come from the same direction. It means that we have something big on our minds, but the impotence of not getting news from space agencies makes us more cautious every day and then we wonder… Why? We can only imagine where they come from and what the purpose of their arrival could be. They may be here not only to witness humanity struggling with what is happening today, but to see if we can prevent a possible extinction event. The fact that it took place on January 22, 2020 is a clear example of how NASA is trying to hide the existence of UFOs and other unknown advanced objects in space.

Something like a large formation of luminous objects moving along with the greenish anomalies of February 1st took place in the safe distance from the ISS and after these objects entered our planet.On February 2nd of this year for the second time other witnesses who used the same live streaming app recorded a new group of these strange anomalies. These recordings are spectacular, so we are experiencing some major anomalies in our neighboring space confirming that we are witnessing something different than in the past as far as Extraterrestrial Visits are concerned.


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