Twins Woman Finds Out She’s Got Pregnant Again And Has Three Babies 10 Days Later

Twins Woman Finds Out She’s Got Pregnant Again And Has Three Babies 10 Days Later

The woman, from the United States, claimed this was her first pregnancy and was speechless when the doctor discovered another baby during her ᴜʟᴛʀᴀsᴏᴜɴᴅ, which she explained was conceived ten days after the twin set.

She went to her ᴜʟᴛʀᴀsᴏᴜɴᴅ, the camera was focused on the scan result while the mom lay on the bed. At one point, the doctor in charge calmly informed the couple that they were expecting three babies instead of twins, as they earlier found out.

This completely threw them ᴏFF as they weren’t expecting to hear such news. The doctor further explained that the third baby was conceived ten days after the woman became pregnant with her twins. The pair’s reaction to their unborn babies was priceless as they marveled over how unexpected it was. They were sʜᴏᴄᴋ. She also noted that in some instances superfetation can occur months after the first pregnancy, but that didn’t happen in her case.

‘I just happen to ʜʏᴘᴇʀᴏᴠᴜʟᴀᴛᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴏᴠᴜʟᴀᴛᴇ twice in a month, so that is how I got pregnant already after already getting pregnant with twins. Your pregnancy hormones are supposed to stop you from ovulating. Mine did not.’ she said

While her babies technically have different due dates, they were conceived close enough together that they will have the same birthday.‘Although it’s two separate pregnancies, they will be referred to as triplets because they’re going to be all born on the same day,’ she said.

She had a  healthy pregnant journey. But  the babies decided to come out three months early. They were in the incubator 65 days before go home.

“I love these girls and I’m so happy I get to share this with you guys.”she said

Her daughters named Ivy-Georgina-Vivienne are thriving on her social media and are really the cutest. Charlotte shares a lot of pictures of her triplet girls and gives some great insights into her lives considering she was so sʜᴏᴄᴋed in the beginning. It’s been a year, and the now-mom of four, who works in marketing, has since given birth to the triplets


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