
The Works Of Aliens Are Existing In The Solar System


On the surface of the planets in our Solar System, there are always alien devices, vehicles and constructions.


Some of the main satellites and planets have always existed for everything from mining pits to battlefields. In some cases, alien machines, planes, and buildings are all extremely ancient. And just need to study hard, the image of these man-made works will be right in front of our eyes.

Just a glance at a few symbolic images, and you will see that these real structures are so EXCITING. Circumstances make it impossible for us to see or believe such things, but the fact remains that alien activity is taking place anywhere.

Let’s start with the first planet in the solar system; Mercury is full of strange objects captured by the Messenger spacecraft. Reports suggest that these are buildings inside a crater that has been leveled. However, this strange shape looks like a spaceship with landing legs. The shadows suggest the shape of foreign bodies lying on the surface.


What’s inside the other craters on Mercury? Check out the symmetry of these shadows, especially the one on the left. A square or rectangular dark section near the center of the crater.

Beneath another strange object inside a crater of Mercury, this crater may not be a natural crater.

Notice how the ‘body’ or ‘space launchpad’ appears to be elevated. This image from Mercury is called ‘Planet’.

Take a close look at what looks like a jet-black Rock outside another crater on this planet. These images help us discover that other objects in the Solar System also contain man-made standing rocks, towers, disks or boulders. It is possible that their layout and arrangement are signs of communication with other places.

When it comes to these structures, it is impossible not to mention the second planet, Venus and other planets in the Solar System. What’s going on why Kim we don’t even know. Here are the reports:

‘…The Magellan spacecraft, which landed on Venus in 1990, recorded the first master map of the surface of Venus as well as master maps of the planet’s gravity field. The journey has collected amazing discoveries about Venus, including the relatively young planet’s surface possibly made by lava flows from large-scale volcanic eruptions… ‘

You can download images of volcanic activity on Venus, along with internet evidence of massive lava flows. That doesn’t mean it’s true.

When the Magellans’ discoveries were first received, the data shocked everyone because it was not hypothesized that there were volcanoes on Venus! Documentaries were released and went viral. Then they found a dense density of craters. That means that there is no reconstruction of the planet’s surface, and thus the planet’s surface has been formed since the very beginning. Accordingly, it is the oldest planetary surface.

The data also reveal great mysteries, that Venusian matter is the hardest matter, structures that still stand tall even though astrophysicists at the Propulsion Laboratory Jet propulsion (JPL) predicts the existence of lava flows, gases, and swamps. More and more craters have been found on Venus, but so far the story has changed radically. Today, NASA tells us that there are just over a hundred craters and volcanoes scattered throughout.

Another mystery is what makes full use of the thermal energy of Venus when this energy source cannot escape to the outside?

The dense clouds on Venus prevent us from seeing the inside, it’s like a giant pressure cooker. The answer can only be advanced inhabitants inside or on the surface of the planet, but hidden under the covers.

Interesting books like Margaret’s ‘Return of the Dove’ and Arthur Mathews’ ‘Wall of Light’ record that Nikola Tesla has arrived on Venus! Later, Frank Frank E. Stranges wrote “Stranger at the Pentagon” (Stranger at the Pentagon) contacted Valiant Thor and his companions, two people from Venus. They met the President and world leaders at the Pentagon in 1957.


The image above shows a large structure on Venus. But, can we trust whatever messages are sent out by our devices? Is everything that we think, we see, disguised to cover up an amazing world that actually exists? Another dimension exists on Venus that we cannot see with the naked eye.

On Mars at Cydonia, there is a famous face shape and the Martian Pyramid is aligned on the planet’s axes. Richard Hoagland has demonstrated many similarities of Cydonia with Egypt and the Great Pyramids of Giza…except that the ‘Ruins of Mars’ are older and larger.

There are eyeballs inside the eyes of the Face. There are teeth right in the right place on Mars. (perhaps we shouldn’t trust NASA). There are also images of unusual Martian objects that can only be listed a few below….

The moon of Mars, Phobos is yet another extremely unusual thing in the solar system. It was once thought that Phobos was just an asteroid merged into orbit… Later views suggested that Phobos could be entirely man-made and modeled after an asteroid.


>Did the spacecraft communicate or send/receive signals by the special rock towering above Phobos’s surface.

Buzz Aldrin, the second man to walk on the Moon, reveals a strange rock formation on the unusual moon of Mars.


Continuing to travel through the solar system, we will come to the second largest asteroid: Vesta. If President Obama had a different view, we would send a manned probe to asteroids. This asteroid is about 525 km in diameter. (Actually Vesta is a second-largest ‘piece’ or remains after the destruction of protoplanet Planet #5 so long ago that the Asteroid Belt filled the void.)

Why learn about Vesta, of all the asteroids? Because we know about something very ancient… like the Moon and Mars. Investigation details on different regions on Vesta:

Vesta can be a valuable find along with the strange “structures” seen on sharp photographs. Hoagland has shown many clearly man-made interwoven structures as well as flattened areas that are not the result of collisions. What are these giant floating mounds on the surface of this rotating asteroid? Are they really collision-formed regions? Is Vesta a burial ground for alien spacecraft? The government will never tell us.

Crossing the orbits of Jupiter. One of the representative cases of a completely man-made asteroid is the strange ‘Iapetus’, the moon of Saturn.

Little Iapetus has a rather unique part of the seam connecting the two hemispheres. Below is an image taken by the Cassini spacecraft during its 2004 voyage.

The horizon boundary of this satellite is a floating ledge. This sphere has many faces similar to an ancient geodesic sphere.


A double-sided floating tower on Iapetus photographed. But, the best image is the ‘Great Wall’. Richard Hoagland on the Enterprise mission called it a man-made structure that spans the planet” and asked the question, ‘How come a ‘wall’ is 1,300 km long, 20 km wide and 13 km high. almost spans a hemisphere.

The JPL also announced the same thing in a paper published on July 1, 2005: “…A long, narrow mountain range located almost at the equator of Iapetus, forming the boundary between the two hemispheres, with a length of about approx. 1287 km, nearly 20 km high, along the middle part of the planet. No one has ever known such a strange geological structure, it is surprising that it appears on such a small body as Iapetus…’


Take a look back at the amazing styles of what might be called architecture on satellites. Curved, collapsed, even towers are up to kilometers above the surface. How can it be determined whether these are active or abandoned cities?

Iapetus has a gravity of only about 1/40 of the Earth’s because of its 79-day rotation. We can construct magnificent buildings and transport them easily; This is absolutely possible in space. Ancient Iapetus was ideal for construction. All this evidence suggests that this “station” has been in use for a long time. And is the 17th moon of Saturn now occupied.

Study through all the regions, oceans on Europa, Titan, Pluto, Sedna and others Where we never thought there was life, there is life. We’ve only skimmed the surfaces of hollow planets. This is just a little secret.





Source: TH-worldmysteries


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